Electronic Carillon

The Harmony Electronic Carillon with amplification and speakers provides the sounds of clock chimes and time strikes, wedding and celebration peals, church bell ringing / university campus bell rings, English change rings, and carillon music for all seasons of the year.

An inexpensive alternative to real cast bronze bells, the Harmony Electronic Carillon produces all the bell rings and music of a 61 bell carillon of real bells, without the structural and space requirements or the cost.

Enjoy bell music, peals, tolls, hymns, and the Westminster chime with time strikes

The sound of bells in our Harmony Electronic Carillon is a great investment in your community.  For many hundreds of years, the sound of bells have called people together in times of celebration, to warn of danger, or to mark important events indelibly in our memories.  The sound of bells are just as much an important messenger today as they still serve the same purposes – plus the daily encouragement of songs or hymns along with the reliable time strikes for your congregation, local community, town, or university campus.

The Harmony Carillon typically comes with 300 watt amplifier and four outdoor speakers including mounting brackets, with 60 watt drivers.

The touch screen Harmony Carillon system can be remotely controlled from your smartphone, tablet, laptop, or desktop computer.

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